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from: 82 – Child Education in Nutrition

It is essential for children to learn the basics in school – reading, writing, mathematics and science. But in order for children to have a rounded education, they must be educated in the arts and the art of physical education or health studies.

Every child benefits from healthy choices including proper nutrition and physical exercise. Learning about nutrition can help children make healthy choices. In today’s society, childhood obesity and other ailments such as asthma and diabetes are increasingly common. Child education in nutrition can help children prevent or combat these illnesses.

That is why schools are increasingly realizing the importance of health studies and child education in nutrition. More schools are beginning to offer classes in nutrition that teach your child how to make balanced diet choices.

Child education in nutrition classes range in topics. Children will learn how to choose healthy foods, how to read ingredient labels and how to prepare a meal. Through child education in nutrition, children also learn how to build strong bones and muscles, maintain a healthy weight, increase their energy, take in a proper amount of nutrients, and will experience increased self-esteem and positive body image.

Most schools offer a physical education component in addition to child education in nutrition to get your child active and aware of their physical body. Children will learn the importance of being physically active and how to properly exercise and engage in activities such as bicycling, dancing, jumping rope and playing team sports such as basketball, soccer and volleyball.

The physical education component is increasingly important as many children are spending excessive amounts of time watching television, playing computer and video games, and eating junk food. Children are becoming overweight and obese at a rapid rate.

If children are taught about their own personal health, they are more likely to feel confident about their bodies, and their ability to make healthy decisions concerning personal nutrition.

The school curriculum is vital to help instil this confidence by providing child education in nutrition. However, parents must remember that children learn from example. Parents are also instrumental in providing the food to make up a balanced and nutritious diet.

If parents feel that they cannot provide for their children, some schools will offer meal programs to lower income families and children to ensure children are receiving proper nutrition.

Children deserve a healthy life. Teach them about nutrition and become active in their education. Take your children for a walk or prepare a nutritious meal with them. They will grow up healthier, stronger and more self aware.


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